Regex for capturing all the urls in a paragraph except for a specific domain

See here for the original answer.

This should be sufficient for your use case:


See here for a demonstration of the regex at work. Below is a rough explanation of what the regex is doing:

  • The leading and trailing (?<!\S) essentially splits the string into segments on space characters, including whitespace and newlines
  • The ?: syntax makes each set of parenthesis it is in a non-capture group, saving memory on the machine where it is ran and speeding up your execution time
  • (?:https?:\/\/)? optionally matches both http and https for URLs without matching the invalid characters : and / anywhere else in the URL
  • (?:(?!example)\w+[.-])+ looks for one or more words that do not match example, followed by either a hyphen or a period
  • [a-z]{2,11} matches the final domain extension, i.e. com, org, or enterprises


  1. regex (Private)
  2. stack-overflow (Private)
  3. answer (Private)