Classical City
Decipher “ThieFhIT_glass” [Hint: flag is meaningful] (2 points)
Answer:: ``
Is this a keyboard error “H1rc82wa_Z|if1w” ? Must be... (3 points)
Can you play the transposition game “07r5h05h473n11nhrc7553!111p7!p” ? [Hint: key is numberic] (3 points)
According to Wikipedia, a "transposition cipher" (also known as a permutation cipher) is a method of encryption which scrambles the positions of characters (transposition) without changing the characters themselves.
The following Python script logged me all the outputs, from there it was a simple matter of identifying the patterns in the output:
import itertools def transpose_cipher(text, key): key = [int(i) for i in str(key)] decrypted_text = [""] * len(text) for i, char in enumerate(text): decrypted_text[key[i % len(key)]-1] += char return ''.join(decrypted_text) # Define the text to be decrypted # text = "PUT_YOUR_CIPHER_TEXT_HERE" text = "07r5h05h473n11nhrc7553!111p7!p" # Iterate over all possible keys up to 6 digits without digit 0 for key in itertools.permutations("123456", 6): key = int(''.join(key)) print(f"Key: {key}") # Decrypt the text with the current key decrypted_text = transpose_cipher(text, key) # Output the decrypted text print(decrypted_text) print()
Then eventually identifying the key as
. This is the flag:SBT{7h15157h37r4n5p051710nc1ph3r!!}
Check the spelling “Echo Alfa Sierra Yankee Papa Echo Alfa Sierra Yankee” (2 points)
This is the NATO phonetic alphabet. The flag is the first letter of each word.
Can you cross a three-meter-high fence “c____g0lyugtt3f4000hl” ? (3 points)
Transposition game2 “CITNALIUPHERXIOWKCOSTECRE” (2 points)
This is the SUPER ROT “bOnGeWiOsDnYoAxKkAcUrRqOuM” [Hint: meaningful flag] (2 points)
Do you find math interesting "81 65 81 124 91 127 32 126 36 66 88 17 68 24 112 118 10 77 43 116 59 50" ? (3 points)
These appear to be character codes, and can be converted back to their original representation via
in Python:print(''.join([chr(int(x)) for x in '81 65 81 124 91 127 32 126 36 66 88 17 68 24 112 118 10 77 43 116 59 50'.split(' ')]))
QAQ|[ ~$BXDpv M+t;2
Using a different method from a challenge on CryptoHack, I got a different answer (which was also nonsensical):
ords = [81, 65, 81, 124, 91, 127, 32, 126, 36, 66, 88, 17, 68, 24, 112, 118, 10, 77, 43, 116, 59, 50] print("".join(chr(o ^ 0x32) for o in ords)) # cscNiMLpj#v*BD8F