How to add or remove a className when screen size change in react

See here for the original answer.

If you're looking to do this with hooks instead of classes, here is a simple example for this case:

const [isMobile, setIsMobile] = useState(window.innerWidth < 1200);

{/* Performs similarly to componentDidMount in classes */}
useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
        const ismobile = window.innerWidth < 1200;
        if (ismobile !== isMobile) setIsMobile(ismobile);
    }, false);
}, [isMobile]);

{/* There is no need for a render function with Hooks */}
return (
    <p className={`${isMobile ? "mobile-class" : "non-mobile-class"}`}>Your text here</p>

For a more in-depth explanation of the useEffect hook, check out the official React documentation here. Please note that you must be using React 16.8 or higher to take advantage of hooks.


  1. react (Private)
  2. hooks (Private)
  3. stack-overflow (Private)
  4. answer (Private)