Adding elements to an object in a loop

See here for the original answer.

What I would suggest is an array filled with objects. What you are trying to do right now is not valid. Here's an example of the proper formatting:

  { name: 'test1', id: 1 },
  { name: 'test2', id: 2 },

This is how I would refactor your code:

let data = [];
const res = JSON.parse(body);

for (let i = 0; i < res.teams.length; i++) {
  data.push({ name: res.teams[i].name, id: res.teams[i].id });

This way you will have to loop over the array to access each object, such as getting { name: 'test1', id: 1 } by accessing data[0].


  1. javascript (Private)
  2. for-loop (Private)
  3. json (Private)
  4. stack-overflow (Private)
  5. answer (Private)